2 Page Guide to Habits

A Two Page Guide to Exercise Habits

A Two Page Guide to Habits


🌲Habits are Like Trees

"Habits, like trees, are strengthened by age. A boy may bend an oak when it is a sapling -- a hundred men cannot root it up when it is a full grown tree..."- JC RyleHappy Lord's Day!I hope you are getting to celebrate and worship the Lord with your church, spend time with your families, and rest. I recently put together a 2-page guide on exercise habits. These thoughts have helped me over the years to think through exercise habits from a biblical worldview, and I hope it serves you. Habits are foundational to fitness. They build up the structure and systems that shape our activity. And as Ryle points out, the longer they are planted, the harder they are to uproot. I hope this resource gets you off to a good start for the week. Have a great Lord's Day!Don