5 Ways to Workout in 30-40 minutes

FTF #108

Hey there - it’s Don.

Happy Friday!

If you are new to the newsletter, my name is Don and I own Layman’s Fitness, which is a business that helps Christian guys lose weight and build strength all at home.

I have one quick housekeeping announcement.

I’m going to shorten the Fit Tip Friday newsletter. Going forward the newsletter will include:

  • One practical tip

  • A top find with some commentary from me

  • A quick list of curated finds with links

The reason is time and value. My goal is for you to be able to read this newsletter within 1-2 minutes and walk away with 1) something practical and 2) some resources that will help your fitness.

And now also on Tuesdays I’ll share another 1-2 minute piece of content that will also help you steward your body for God’s glory.

Thanks, as always, for your time and attention. I do not take that for granted.

Let’s jump into this week’s Fit Tip Friday!

🔎 In This Fit Tip Friday

Inside you’ll find:

  • 5 ways to workout in 30-40 minutes

  • 20 ways to enjoy cottage cheese

  • The U.S. and ultra-processed food, intermittent fasting, and more.

First time reading? Sign-up here.

Tip: 5 ways to workout in 30-40 minutes

If you want to read this article on the Layman’s Fitness website, click here

Workouts don’t have to be 60+ minutes.

Here are my favorite strategies my clients and I use to workout in 30-40 minutes without sacrificing effectiveness.

  1. Compound Movements

Design most of the workout around building strength with movements that work several muscle groups. Here are some to pick from. 

  • Kettlebells: swings, get-ups, squats, presses, thrusters, carries, etc…

  • Bodyweight: push-ups, pull-ups, body squats, lunges, etc…

  • Barbell: bench, press, deadlift, squat, etc…

Pick the ones you like to do. That helps with consistency.

  1. Supersets

Pick 2 movements, do one right after the other with no rest in between, then rest for 30-90 seconds when the 2 movements are done. That’s one superset. 

The pairing options are unlimited, but I’ve found movements that work different parts of the body are most efficient, like a squat/core, pull/core, squat/push, push/core, etc.. 

  1. Use a Timer

Use a timer for all sets. This has helped me the most in keeping me focused and not wasting time during or between sets. 

For example, when I do swings, I set a timer for one minute, and every minute I do 10 swings. When I’m done with my swings I rest until the next minute starts.

  1. Kettlebell Flows

Pick 3-5 kettlebell movements. Set a timer for 15-20 minutes. Do as many circuits as you can within that timeframe, resting 30-60 seconds in between each circuit.

  1. Farmer’s Carry

Pick up a kettlebell and take it for a walk for 20-30 minutes.

It’s harder than it seems. If you are not convinced, try doing this with a 24kg+ kettlebell.

🔎 Finds/Resources This Week

Here are some of my favorite finds/resources this week.

Top find

20+ ways to enjoy cottage cheese (more)

I disliked cottage cheese for years, but now it’s grown on me (thanks to my wife) and it’s a staple in our fridge. Our favorite is pairing it with baby carrots as a snack. This article also includes 7 recipes, including pancakes using the stuff, which are worth checking out.


Other Finds

  • The United States is the leading country in ultra-processed food consumption (more)

  • Intermittent fasting: what is it, and how does it work? (more)

  • Is snoozing bad? The truth behind pressing the button and 10 ways to stop (more)

  • 6 science-backed tips to lose weight (more)

  • The Turkish get-up: the best exercise you are not doing (more)

  • The timing of your post-workout meal matters (more)

What’s New From Layman’s Fitness

  • 3.8 million steps in a month & 12 practical ways to get more steps in each day (more)

  • This chicken-bacon-ranch loaded fries recipe. 613 calories, 47g of protein and it’s as tasty as it sounds (more)

👍 Thanks for reading!

I’ll see you next week.

➡️ Ready for consistency, results, and accountability? Click here to learn how we can work together.


P.S… As a Cleveland Browns fan, this is how I feel this year (or more like how I feel every year)