Fit Tip Friday: 10 Minute Morning Workout

Fit Tip Friday: 10 Minute Morning Workout

The 10 Minute Morning Workout

If you're like me and you have a desk job, you know the feeling of physical complacency that builds up throughout the week with inactivity. There's nothing wrong with having a desk job. As Christians, our charge is to fulfill our responsibilities to our employer faithfully, whether we are sitting behind a desk at a computer or framing a house with our hands. But the physical inactivity of sitting at a desk all day, all week and all year without supplementing movement in other ways is not healthy.I've found that just a few minutes of movement each morning goes a long way to prepare for the desk work each day. There's nothing magical about 10 minutes, but there are numerous benefits to adding some type of physical activity to your morning routine. Here is a 10 minute workout you can add to your morning routine to get your blood flowing each morning. The 10 Minute Morning Workout

Once you've tried this, send me an email at [email protected] to let me know what you think! - Don