Fit Tip Friday: #22

Biblical Motivations for Exercise

Thank You

What a ride 2021 has been!I will take a break from Fit Tip Friday next week, so this will be the last FTF in 2021. And as I pause for a week I want to say a sincere thank you to all you LF subscribers.My continual hope and prayer is that the Lord would use Layman's Fitness as one tool to bring Him glory through exercise and fitness, and I pray that you have been blessed by this content. One last parting comment before 2021 closes. In building Layman's Fitness, I've had to spend a lot of time this year reflecting, researching, and learning all things exercise and fitness. And the more time I spend on the web, the more I have been immersed in popular fitness marketing: 

"Get that beach body "."Be the best you ". "You deserve to look good ". 

These slogans fill the web's content for exercise and fitness. They drip and ooze with vain and short-sighted intentions. But I've discovered them this year in perhaps a more sinister place.  

Within my own heart. 

Navigating the murky waters in the heart is a slow-going process. But thankfully, God's Word can discern the intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12), and it's the light to our path and feet (Psalm 119:105).In boating through these murky waters, there have been several biblical reasons for exercise and fitness that I have gone back to again and again that have kept me above water and moving forward. And here they are in a post.  

(Link to new post)