Fit Tip Friday: The Kinetic Chain

Fit Tip Friday: The Kinetic Chain

One Body with Many Members

As I was writing this week's Fit Tip Friday, my very first draft was a short post about the kinetic chain. The kinetic chain is an anatomical way to study the body through five main complexes: the head, the shoulders, the hips, the knees and the feet. In the exercise world, movement deficiencies, over-compensations and weaknesses are assessed in clients using the kinetic chain. The basic principle of the kinetic chain is that the body moves as one system. When one part of the body is damaged, other parts of the body can be damaged. When one part of the body becomes strengthened or more flexible, other parts of the body benefit.When writing about the kinetic chain, it was hard not to see the relationship between the kinetic chain and the body metaphor Paul uses in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. So, the post morphed into a little bit of a longer post than the typical Fit Tip Friday material, but hopefully you enjoy the additional meat. The Kinetic Chain: One Body, Many MembersFor His glory, - Don