Fit Tip Fridays: #61

Minimalist Workouts

Fit Tip Friday #61

๐Ÿ’ช Minimalism & Exercise

Welcome to this week's Fit Tip Friday!Minimalism is a word on the move. Like a fresh fad, it's being sprinkled on top of anything and everything.While I don't personally consider myself a minimalist or part of that movement, my pursuit of efficiency with the exercise tools I have in my home gym led me down the minimalist path as a curious wanderer.So here's what I've learned, and here's a layman's stab at a definition, especially as it pertains to exercise.Fundamentally, minimalism is about reducing excess and maximizing the utility of the essentials.With fitness, the goal of minimalist workouts is to simplify your equipment and pursue your exercise goal with well-placed energy use. It's simplicity with your workout materials and simplicity in your workout process.And from a Christian worldview, the goal of minimalist workouts is to steward your body to the glory of God with simpler materials and with a simpler process.And in the following post, I wrote 10 minimalist workouts that you can do with the most basic equipment. Visit the Layman's Fitness website to read the full post - ๐Ÿ”—10 Minimalist Workouts You Can Do at Home

๐Ÿ“ƒA Minimalist Home Gym

Bodyweight training is the ultimate minimalist approach. All you need is your body, a pull-up bar (or your local park), a jump rope, and you're good to go. That's essentially what is required for the Layman's Fitness 12-Week Bodyweight ProgramBut what if you want to move beyond bodyweight?What home gym equipment should you invest in if you want to expand your exercise options while keeping your space and spend small?A year ago, I wrote a post to answer these questions. And to my surprise, this post has been by far the most popular one I've ever written.  ๐Ÿ”—A Minimalist Home Gym 

In this article, I share 6 exercise equipment I recommend investing in for your own minimalist home gym. I itemized the equipment I recommend below into an easy-to-read list. All are all affiliate links, and as an Amazon Associate I do earn on qualifying purchases. But these are all equipment I have personally used or strongly recommend. In future Fit Tip Friday newsletters, I'll keep this equipment list at the bottom of the newsletter, and occasionally add new ones that I've also found helpful.  



๐Ÿ“ƒRecommended Equipment to Build Your Minimalist Home GymHere's my recommended list from my own minimalist gym. 1a. Kettlebell Kings - The Quality Purchase1b. Lifeline Kettlebell - The Budget Purchase2. Pull-Up Bar3. Headphones 4. An Ab Roller5. Exercise Mat6. A Jump Rope


๐Ÿ”— Minimalism (by James Clear)James Clear is the author of the popular book "Atomic Habits". In this article he provides one of the best overviews on minimalism I've read, as well as examples from his own life (i.e. his minimalist schedule).   
