Fit Tip Fridays: #65

A Mission and Eating Lots of Protein

Fit Tip Friday #65

📃Crafting a Mission for Fitness

Welcome to this week's Fit Tip Friday!It's a shared human experience to find ourselves in the middle of the year without remembering or committing to the goals we set at the beginning of the year's journey. This is even more prevalent when it comes to fitness goals. While I don't have a silver bullet solution to this problem, there is one thing I've found helpful to stay on track with my goals. A mission. Having a mission gives you a long-term view on where ultimately you are trying to go. And it doesn't have to be complicated, scientific, or overly thorough. You just need to answer 3 questions: 

  • "What is your desired outcome?"

  • "Why do you want to achieve it?"

  • "How will you get there?"

This new post can help you craft your own mission. ðŸ”—The One Missing Ingredient From Your Fitness Goals 


💪The Simplest Calorie Counting Method I've Seen

If you've been around social media for the last few years, chances are you've likely seen or interacted with content by Alex Hormozi. One of my brothers recommended his content to me almost a year ago. Hormozi is a young entrepreneur who made his money first in the fitness industry with gyms and then built several ancillary businesses to grow a thriving $100MM portfolio. He recently released a video explaining his diet and nutrition habits, and this was by far the simplest and most applicable approach to the calorie-counting method.Before I summarize and explain, let me offer a few qualifiers, in addition to the advice to consult your doctor or nutritionist before starting a nutritional program. Firstly, counting calories is an oversimplification of nutrition. Simply viewing nutrition as calories-in and calories-out is a mechanistic view of the body, and there's far more going on internally than just energy consumption (I wrote a post about this earlier this year if you want to read more). Secondly, Hormozi is not approaching nutrition or body stewardship from a Christian worldview. The ultimate goal for whatever we do... whether we eat or drink (1 Corinthians 10:31), is ultimately for the glory of God above all else, and not merely for aesthetics, feel, or function. However, all that being said, calorie counting is a proven method for bulking, maintaining, or losing weight, and I don't think anyone explains it as clearly as Hormozi. Here's the video and the method (*heads up - there's one swear word in the video).  

Link: Identify your goal (bulk, maintain, or lose weight)2. Multiply your body weight (in pounds) by the number on the following spectrum. That's your daily caloric intake goal. 

  • 7-9: Extreme weight loss

  • 10-12: Moderate weight loss

  • 13-15: Maintenance

  • 16-18: Moderate weight gain

  • 19-21: Extreme weight gain

3. Multiply your body weight (in pounds) by 1, and that's the total grams of protein you need to eat per day. 4. Once you eat your way to your daily protein goal, fill the rest of your calories with whatever you'd like... like whatever you'd like (hence the never skip dessert headline)... as long as you don't eat above the daily caloric goal.This method does a few things really well:

  • Gives you a clearly defined goal

  • Gives you a daily calorie ceiling within that defined goal

  • Gives you a target protein amount to consume daily, which can help you prep your meals and grocery list each week

  • Gives you the freedom to splurge within your protein and caloric ceilings

I'd only add 2 things:

  • Try to eat mostly organic, whole food for your calories, while leaving some splurging space. 

  • If you are trying to put on muscle, I'd recommend eating 1g of protein per target body weight instead of actual body weight. I.e., if you weigh 170lbs, but want to put on 10 pounds of muscle, try to eat 180g of protein daily.

If you eat mostly organic, whole food each day, with the occasional freedom-splurge a few times a week, while hitting your daily protein and caloric goal, that's a formula to eat healthy that you can follow for a long time. 





📃Recommended Home Gym EquipmentFor all the new subscribers, this is my recommended list of home gym equipment.1a. Kettlebell Kings - The Quality Purchase1b. Lifeline Kettlebell - The Budget Purchase2. Pull-Up Bar3. Headphones 4. An Ab Roller5. Exercise Mat6. A Jump Rope7. A Watch Pedometer8. SafeRingz - A Silicone Wedding BandThese are affiliate links, and as an Amazon associate I earn on qualifying purchases. But these are all equipment that I have personally used or highly recommend!
