Fit Tip Fridays: #74

Faithful in the Little

Fit Tip Friday #74

📃Announcement - on X

Welcome to this week's Fit Tip Friday.I won't be utilizing Instagram anymore for Layman's Fitness. I decided to switch over to X (ex-Twitter). If you are an X-user (ex-Twitter) and you like the content coming out of Layman's Fitness, consider following me.--> Link to my X ProfileAnd even better, if you are an X-user and you have suggestions on accounts I should follow, let me know. You can either DM me on X or reply to this newsletter email.  

📃 The Boring Stuff Works

Great football coaches call this "basic blocking and tackling". Great business executives call this "the fundamentals". Jesus calls this "faithful in the little things". The underlying principle with these sayings is that success is predicated on faithfulness in the micro-sphere.Let me use another metaphor.If you keep taking tiny but consistent steps, you'll eventually find yourself 1,000 miles in the right direction, almost shocked at how far you've come. You'll look back on your journey, and you'll give the glory to God for any success that came out of all those little efforts. But there's an enemy to the boring stuff.Distraction. And the fitness industry loves to distract you with the flashy new shiny object. There's a new diet that you just have to try.There's a new home-gym apparatus that finally works.There's a new mindfulness technique that will help you sleep.The challenge is to stay focused on "the boring stuff". Focus on making the small but compounding decisions each day, and you'll eventually find yourself 1,000 miles down the road, shocked at how far you've come. And here's the boring stuff that works: 

  • Routine: Find an exercise plan you like, and stick to it. 

  • Replenishment: Eat really good food, and regulate your caloric consumption while eating your macro's. 

  • Rest: Get enough sleep every night for your body to recover, usually 7-9 hours, and don't overdo it with your training. 

That's it.Keep on walking, because by God's strength and grace you can do it. 

📃Links & Resources 


📃Not sure what exercise plan to start with?If you just want to get started, I'd recommend the 12 Week Bodyweight program. I designed this for the busy Christian guy who doesn't have a lot of time to exercise or equipment to do it. I've also had several guys do this together with their wives.And it's free12 Week Bodyweight Program


📃Recommended Home Gym EquipmentAs always, this is my recommended list of home gym equipment. These are affiliate links. 1a. Kettlebell Kings - The Quality Purchase1b. Lifeline Kettlebell - The Budget Purchase2. Pull-Up Bar3. Headphones 4. An Ab Roller5. Exercise Mat6. A Jump Rope7. A Watch Pedometer8. SafeRingz - A Silicone Wedding BandThese are affiliate links, and as an Amazon associate I earn on qualifying purchases. But these are all equipment that I have personally used or highly recommend!
