Fit Tip Fridays: #78

Harnessing Your Energy Systems

Fit Tip Friday #78

💪 Welcome  

Welcome to this week's Fit Tip Friday.This week I want to share an insight that has transformed the way I rest during my workouts. 

☀️ Your Energy is Not Like the Sun 

I used to skip rest intervals while I was exercising. Rest intervals, to me, seemed like a demonstration of weakness. "110%", "give it all you got", "no pain, no gain", and other such mantras, contradicted the ridiculous notion of resting during a workout. The application of this no-rest mentality turned into years of HIIT workouts, where I'd do a variety of 20-40 minute high-octane workouts without cycling in rest. This worked well in my early 20's. But into my late 20's and early 30's, I started to experience injuries and sagging energy that I was frankly too young for. I had sharp pains in my shoulder that didn't allow me to press anything heavy. My right knee resisted the basic squat movements. My energy levels regularly dropped before, during, and after workouts. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was treating my energy as it if were the sun. Always there. Always on. Always hot. Always ready. Always full. But that's not how your energy system works. Your energy system is more like a battery. It needs to be recharged regularly in order to work properly. 

🪫 The Three Energy Systems 

Your body has three primary energy systems. And if you understand how this works, you can harness them effectively in your training.As a disclaimer, this over-simplifies incredibly complicated systems, but I think this helps demonstrate the interaction between the three. Energy System 1: ATP/CP  ~0-20 seconds

  • When you are doing a movement, the first ~15-20 seconds of that movement is supplied by what's called the ATP/CP energy system. This is your fast access, high-octane, lightning-like energy system, but it depletes quickly and needs to be recharged. 

Energy System 2: Glycolysis  ~20-120 seconds

  • Once you are ~15-20 seconds into a movement, your ATP/CP stores deplete, and you transition to the glycolytic system. This is what causes "the burn" in your muscles. This system lasts longer than ATP/CP, but it builds up acidity in your muscles (lactic acid). 

Energy System 3: Oxidative  ~120 seconds+

  • Once you are beyond 120+ seconds, your body begins to switch to the oxidative system. This is a much longer and efficient energy system that carries you through long races, swims and walks. 

With this in mind, imagine you are trying to do 200 push-ups in the most energy-efficient way possible.

The default impulse is to do as many push-ups as you can in a row, and then struggle along until you finish your 200. 

But this will quickly deplete your ATP stores, and you will operate mostly in the glycolytic zone as you finish your push-ups... feeling a whole lot of burn, and you'll limp along without energy as you finish your 200. 


work with your energy systems


Do ~15-20 seconds of push-ups, and then


for 30-40 seconds.You won't get your full ATP stores back, but stopping at ~15-20 seconds prevents you from switching to full glycolytic mode, preventing lactic acid build up and allows some ATP replenishment. 

Once you're done with your 30-40 second rest, do another ~15-20 second bout of push-ups, then rest again. Repeat until you finish your 200. You will have much less lactic acid build-up and much more energy. 

Now, why does this matter for the Christian?

Our need for rest is humbling. It's a constant reminder that we are not machines nor are we omnipotent. God alone is the one who can operate like the sun, always on, always going, always bright, constantly caring and watching over His people (Psalm 121:4).

But our need for rest is also glorious. It's mind-blowing to dive into the complexities that happen inside your body. 

There's more about your body to discover. It's a marvel, and it was stitched together by an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God who created and rules over His world.Jump in. 

📃Links & Resources 


Understanding Why "Less Is More" with Anti-Glycolytic TrainingThis article was the lightbulb for me as I started exploring energy systems. Kingston, the author, goes into much greater detail about these energy systems, what they are, and how to use them.  


Deep Waters MentoringI love connecting with other guys who have started ministries & businesses. I want to share one in particular. Ken Anderson started a ministry for guys to help them navigate out of sexual sin and into freedom. He brings over 14 years of experience into this work, and his passion is for guys to find their way to freedom from pornography and sexual sin. Sexual sin is like a tick. It starts small, but it latches on, sinks its head deep inside of you, deposits toxins, and becomes hard to remove. But by God's grace, there is a way out of the toxicity of that life.  


🏠 Recommended Home Gym EquipmentAs always, this is my recommended list of home gym equipment. These are affiliate links. 1a. Kettlebell Kings - The Quality Purchase1b. Lifeline Kettlebell - The Budget Purchase2. Pull-Up Bar3. Headphones 4. An Ab Roller5. Exercise Mat6. A Jump Rope7. A Watch Pedometer8. SafeRingz - A Silicone Wedding BandThese are affiliate links, and as an Amazon associate I earn on qualifying purchases. But these are all equipment that I have personally used or highly recommend!
