Fit Tip Fridays: #80 (3/29/24)

Fit Tip Fridays #80

FTF #80

 In This Fit Tip Friday 🔎

Before we start, I want to briefly wish you a very happy Good Friday.What a time to reflect and rejoice in the cosmic-shifting event that took place 2,000 years ago... the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Inside this Fit Tip Friday you'll find:

  • A heavy weight is a great teacher

  • A bizarre benefit of eating fish

  • Should you have protein shakes, powders, or supplements?

  • Something I've enjoyed 

  • Quote for the week

A heavy weight is a great teacher 🏋🏻

You think you're strong... until you add another plate, pick up a heavier kettlebell, or strap a weight vest around your chest.Then the true cracks in your form are revealed and you realize you have work to do. A heavy weight is a great teacher. And trials in the Christian life operate in the same way.You think you're spiritually strong... you think you've developed joyful endurance... and then a heavier weight is placed on your back, revealing the true cracks in your form. The good news for the Christian is that the heavy trial-weights are opportunities to develop Christlike and joyful steadfastness (James 1). Let the trial perfect your form. Press on, in the strength of Christ and the grace and wisdom of God.

A bizarre benefit of eating fish 🐟

Here's a benefit of eating fish to chew on: Eating fish may prevent asthma in small childrenTalk about click-bait. But this was a fascinating find this week. This HealthLine article includes this finding (#8) among its 11 summaries about the benefits of eating fish.I think the claim from the study behind the suggestion is... fishy... especially since the data supporting that study evaluated fish intake from mothers nursing their infants. There are more benefits of breast-milk for infants than just how much fish the mother is eating.In short, read these studies with some critical thinking, but definitely eat some fish. There are lots of other good things in the meaty fish (protein, Omega-3s, Vitamin D) beside the claim of curing to childhood asthma. 

Should you have protein shakes, powders, or supplements? 🥤

You get a lot of opinions in fitness. Here's mine.If you're just starting (or restarting) to develop health eating habits... then no... I would not spend a lot of money on protein supplements or time worrying about which one to buy. You're better off spending that money and time on learning how to prepare high-quality food packed with protein, like beef, eggs, shrimp, chicken, fish, turkey, etc...For context, protein supplements were first marketed for lifters and body-builders in the 1950's (history here). The problem protein supplements solves is the ability to have a low calorie diet with high-protein intake.But since protein supplements have become so ingrained in how most think about nutrition and fitness, I believe we've misplaced priority emphasis, research, time and money away from high-quality meats and towards the myriads of protein supplement options. While I'm not completely against protein supplements or powders, I think the Christian guy who wants to start eating healthier should begin that journey by getting your protein (and a load of other nutrients for that matter beside just protein) from high-quality meats. 

Something I've enjoyed 💪

The Kettlebell Farmer Carry. This is a powerful and low tech exercise.Pick up a kettlebell. Carry it while you walk. Don't set it down.Here's how I'm programming it:

  • 2x a week, 20-30 minute walk outside with a 24kg kettlebell in one hand.

  • Alternate hands during the walk, whenever one hand gets tired.

This builds a steel-grip like no other. 

Quote for the week 📜

"When we bear all that God appoints, and as long as He appoints, and with a humble obedient eye to Him, and when we not only bear troubles, but rejoice in them, then patience hath its perfect work."- Matthew Henry