Training for Energy & The Joy Set Before Him

FTF #101

Hey there - it’s Don.

This was a very warm week in Texas. My garage felt more like a sauna than a home gym. I’m very much looking forward to the cooler season ahead.

But the best part about this past week was that my wife and I celebrated our 9-year wedding anniversary.

And yes, if you’re wondering, she also trains with kettlebells.

Let’s jump in!

🔎 In This Fit Tip Friday 

 Inside you'll find:

  • Tip: Training for energy

  • Finds: Stewarding a body in sedentary times (and more)

  • Story: For the joy that was set before Him

  • Quote: What a savior!

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💡 Training for Energy

I did HIIT workouts for years.

HIIT stands for High-Intensity-Interval-Training, and typically these workouts require a lot of work in a short period of time, with some or limited rest between intervals.

They burn calories. They get your heart rate up. They release endorphins. They help you feel “the burn”.

But after doing them for months, I started to feel lethargic. My workouts taxed me, and I started to feel muscle fatigue and sore all week.

This didn’t make sense to me. Shouldn’t exercise make me feel more energetic as opposed to less?

Years ago, when I started training with kettlebells, I noticed the exact opposite. I started to feel more energized because of my workouts.

What happened? And more specifically, what did I do differently to train for energy?

Here are four quick reasons. And for reference, this article goes into a great amount of depth into each.

  1. Understand how your body’s energy systems work.

  2. Avoid the burn.

  3. Don’t go to failure.

  4. Do “On-The-Minute” training.

And here’s the simplest application of this approach.

For 10 minutes, do 10 two-hand kettlebell swings, every minute. When you’re done with your swings, rest for the remainder of the minute.

This works. And this approach gives you energy instead of taking it from you.

🔎 Finds This Week

Here are some of my favorite finds this week:

  • This desiringGod article on stewarding a body in sedentary times (more)

  • This is one of my favorite hamstring stretches, and can help with lower back pain (more)

  • This guide to clean bulking (more)

  • 30 of the most nutrient dense foods (more)

  • Is shrimp healthy? (more)

  • Long-term stress can make you gain weight (more)

  • This is my favorite protein powder, which you can get in bulk at Costco (more)

✝️ For the Joy That Was Set Before Him

Read the following post on the Layman’s Fitness website if that’s preferable for you.

Stories of strength, heroes, risk takers, and bravery inspire us to get off the couch and get into action. This is one of the reasons I share a story in every newsletter.

This week’s story is one that is well-known to Christians… we remember it especially ever year at Easter. But this week as I was going through this with my family, some details jumped out at me in new ways.

This is the story of the mockery Christ endured by the Roman soldiers before His crucifixion.

After the mob gives Barabbas his freedom instead of Jesus, Pilate rather infamously washes his hands before the rowdy crowd. He then has Jesus scourged and delivered over to be crucified (Matthew 27:26).

Pilate’s soldiers take Jesus into the governor’s headquarters, and an entire battalion of soldiers stomp in before Jesus.

And what happens next is just sarcastic and sadistic ridicule.

  • The soldiers strip Him of His clothes

  • In pure mockery they twist a crown of thorns together and put it on his head, along with a scarlet robe and a reed in His hand

  • They spit on him, smacking Him with the reed they gave Him, while chanting “Hail, King of the Jews!”

What struck me going through it this week was Christ’s steel-like resolve to endure one hardship to the next.

This moment with the soldiers happens right after immense betrayal and right before His crucifixion. Jesus had already gone through so much, and He was about to go through worse.

His friends had betrayed him on the Mount of Olives.

His disciple Peter had publicly denied Him.

His nation’s religious leaders interrogated him falsely.

The people at the feast chose to release a scumbag over Him.

Now the Romans are mocking and mutilating him.

And there was a cross waiting for Him at the end of all that.

This is a stunning display of strength in the midst of cruel adversity. And He is worthy of all worship and adoration for it.

📜Quote for the Week

“… looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God”

- Hebrews 12:2…. what a savior!

👍 Thanks for reading!

I’ll see you next week.

Be strong,


P.S… Want to feel more energized because of your workouts?

I’ve designed the Kettlebell Strength System to help give you energy instead of taking it away from you.

The KB Strength System is a program that helps Christian guys lose 10+ lbs and build functional strength without going to the gym.

If you’re interested in taking the next step, click below to get started.

What guys have said about their energy levels while going through the program ⬇️

I have noticed [increased energy levels] with work and with my evenings at home with my wife and kids.

I honestly do feel like I don't crash quite as hard around mid afternoon

I definitely have less energy crashes throughout the day.

I’m making it further into the afternoon before I feel like I’m ready for a nap.