Videos - High Push-Up Position

Fit Tip Friday: Exercise Spotlight

LF Video Page & the High Push-Up Position Hold

For this week's Fit-Tip Friday, I want to inform you of an exciting new feature of my website and then spotlight the High Push-Up Position Hold. On the Layman's Fitness website, there is now a Video page with 20+ instructional videos on how to do flagship bodyweight movements. These bodyweight exercises are organized in tabs by the muscle groups they work, and each video is accompanied by a brief post with:

  • An overview of the movement

  • The muscle groups worked

  • Ideas to progress the movement (make more difficult)

  • Ideas to regress the movement (make easier)

  • Ideas on how to apply it

As the first Exercise Spotlight of many to come, I want to start with the High Push-Up Position Hold. This is kind of like the mustard seed of bodyweight movements. It doesn't seem like much at the beginning, but once used, developed and strengthened it will lay the foundation and support all other bodyweight exercises, like the Push-Up, Mountain Climbers, Burpees and more. In closing, I want to say a sincere thank you to each one of you for subscribing. My hope and prayer in this journey is that Layman's Fitness will be a resource used by God to remind, encourage, instruct and inform the man in the pew towards better body-stewardship for His glory. Don